Join Emily Martin, mindfulness meditation and science teacher, for a morning of cultivating joy, connection, and self-care. We’ll share tea and practice mindfulness and self-compassion techniques together. Drawing on the practices and expertise of psychologists Kristin Neff and Tara Brach, participants will walk away with very practical tools for everyday life. At the end of the circle, participants will go home with a self-care kit complete with guided meditations, tea, art, strategies, and more. This program is part of Gorge Happiness, a local non-profit dedicated to cultivating happiness and wellbeing in Gorge residents. These Tea and Tranquility Circles are completely free and funded through the Gorge Community Foundation.
There are 5 local events at Gorge Libraries:
Monday, February 24: 6-7:30 pm at White Salmon Library in White Salmon, WA
Tuesday, March 4: 5:30-7 pm at The Dalles Wasco County Library in The Dalles, Oregon
Monday, March 10: 6-7:30 pm at Stevenson Library in Stevenson, WA.
Saturday, March 15: 12-2 pm at Cascade Locks Library in Cascade Locks, OR and
Saturday, April 19: 12-2 pm at Hood River Library in Hood River, OR
Come join one or all!
Contact Emily Martin (503-358-1949) for any questions.